HealthyWA search results

Your search for ‘☯ overnight buying magic mu’ returned 50 results from website: HealthyWA

Buying make up and skin products online - 22.21184

Know about the potential health risks associated with cosmetics manufactured outside of Australia and available for purchase online.

Mumps - 20.25

Mumps is an acute viral illness caused by the mumps virus. However it is now uncommon in Australia due to immunisation programs.

Immunisation records - 20.25

From 30 September 2016, the Australian Childhood Immunisation Register (ACIR) expanded to become the Australian Immunisation Register (AIR), a national register that records immunisations given to people of all ages in Australia.

Where can I get immunised? - 20

You can get immunisations from your doctor, local immunisation clinic, local government, Aboriginal community health services and Central Immunisation Clinic.

Vaccines, vaccination and immunisation - 20

Immunisation is the term used for the process of becoming immune to disease. It protects people against specific diseases by using the body’s natural defence mechanism – the immune response. A vaccine is the material used to induce immunity against infectious diseases. Vaccination refers to the act of giving a vaccine to a person.

Starting or moving child care, kindergarten or school – immunisation requirements - 18.5

Vaccine preventable diseases, such as measles or mumps, can have serious health consequences for school-aged children and others in the community. You can help protect your child by ensuring his or her vaccinations are up-to-date.

Progressive muscle relaxation - 18.25

An introduction to progressive muscle relaxation technique and a guide to one of the basic exercises.

Immunisation - 18.25

The articles in this section relate to immunisation, vaccines and vaccination safety.

Safe preparation and use of infant formula - 17.75

Care is needed to prepare and store infant formula powder safely, to help reduce any risk of illness.

Stimulant medicines - 17.25

Stimulant medicines stimulate the central nervous system (CNS) by increasing the activity of certain chemicals in the brain. Dexamphetamine and methylphenidate are both stimulants.

Information for mums - 17

Becoming a mum can be overwhelming. As a Mum, caring for your baby also means taking care of yourself. Sometimes you need to make time to do things just for you

Marbled Death Cap mushrooms - 16.5

The Marbled Death Cap Mushroom (Amanita marmorata) is a variety of wild mushroom that is extremely toxic that has been found growing in Western Australia’s South West region.

Community pharmacies can provide routine immunisations - 16.5

Community pharmacists are able to provide National Immunisation Program (NIP) and state-funded vaccines to eligible individuals aged 5 years and above.

Immunisation requirements for family assistance payments - 16.25

From 1 January 2016 only parents of children (aged up to and including 19 years) who are fully immunised, or are on a recognised catch-up schedule, or have an approved medical exemption, can continue to receive family assistance payments.

Measles mumps rubella (MMR) vaccine - 16.25

This vaccine offers protection against 3 diseases – measles, mumps and rubella (German measles) – in a single combined injection (MMR)

Adult immunisation schedule - 16.25

Immunising as an adult can protect you from various diseases.

Assertive communication - 16.25

Assertive communication is a way of expressing your point of view in a way that is clear and direct without being aggressive or passive.

Childhood immunisation schedule - 16.25

During the first few years of your child’s life he or she will need a number of immunisations to offer protection against the most serious childhood infections.

Risks to your baby of home-made infant formula - 15.75

Homemade infant formulas can present risks to infants through inadequate nutrition and increased food safety risks.

Multiple sclerosis - 15.75

Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a chronic, neurodegenerative condition that affects the central nervous system (CNS).

How to support yourself as a new mum - 15.75

Being the best mum you can be doesn’t mean being 'perfect' – there’s no such thing. Aim to be 'good enough', and go easy on yourself.

School-based immunisation program - 15.75

The school-based immunisation program provides free recommended vaccines to WA high school students in years 7 and 10.

Community child health nurses - 15.75

Community child health nurses, employed by WA Health, are registered nurses with qualifications in child and family health.

Immunisation in pregnancy - 15.5

During pregnancy, you need to take extra care of yourself to ensure you and your baby remain healthy

Home and Community Care (HACC) transition - 15.25

The WA Home and Community Care (HACC) and the Continuity of Support (COS) Program are closed and no longer accepting new clients

Time-out for mums with a new baby - 15.25

As a mum, you probably don't have a lot of time to spare. But caring for your baby also means caring for yourself.

Community Child Health Program - 15.25

Child and Adolescent Health Service’s Community Child Health provides free healthcare services from birth to school age for your child and family to help raise healthy kids in Western Australia.

Childhood immunisation - 15.25

During the first few years of your child’s life he or she will need a number of immunisations to offer protection against the most serious childhood infections.

New hub for immunisation information - 15.25

Launched as part of the ‘Don’t Assume You’re Immune’ campaign, the new Immunisation WA website is your gateway to all you need to know about immunisation, vaccination and vaccines.

Community patient transport services - 15

The Planned Community Transport service enables eligible patients in the Perth metropolitan area to travel to and from community locations.

Algal bloom warning for Mullaloo Beach - 15

Beach goers to Mullaloo Beach should avoid contact with any murky or discoloured water, as it may be an algal bloom.

Murray Valley encephalitis and Kunjin viruses - 14.75

Murray Valley encephalitis (MVE) is a rare but potentially fatal disease caused by the MVE virus which is carried by mosquitoes. Kunjin virus is a related virus that is also carried by mosquitoes, but generally causes less severe symptoms.

Community first responder - 14.75

A community first responder provides critical CPR to a cardiac arrest patient before an ambulance arrives.

Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV) immunisation - 14.75

From April 2024, the RSV immunisation, nirsevimab (Beyfortus®) will be available to eligible babies and children born from 1 October 2023 to 30 September 2024.

Register now for your child’s high school immunisations - 14.75

If your child is starting year 7 or year 10, remember to provide consent so they can get their important immunisations as they head into the new school year.

Immunisation before travel - 14

See your doctor before travelling to ensure that you and your children are up-to-date with the recommended vaccination schedule.

Mental illness community services for children and adolescents - 13.25

The Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service (CAMHS) provides mental health programs to infants, children and young people. This includes community, specialised, and hospital-based programs.

Children vaccinated overseas - 13.25

If you move to Australia from overseas make sure your child’s previous vaccinations are recorded on the Australian Childhood Immunisation Register.

Community associated MRSA (CA-MRSA) - 13

When ‘staph’ becomes resistant to commonly used antibiotics (meaning the antibiotics are no longer effective) it is called methicillin resistant staphylococcus aureus (MRSA).

Multicultural health - 13

People who speak limited or no English or who are deaf or hard of hearing have the right to access interpreting services when using WA Health services.

Tips for mums with a new baby – how to support your partner - 12.5

Becoming a dad is one of the biggest changes in a man’s life, and your partner needs your support.

Community-based subacute care - 12.25

Information about subacture care servies based in the community.

Drugs - 12.04097

A drug is any substance (with the exception of food and water) which, when taken into the body, alters the body's function either physically and/or psychologically.

Mixing drugs is dangerous - 11.78416

Information for Aboriginal people on the dangers of mixing drugs (polydrug use).

Being dependent on drugs - 11.61047

Information for Aboriginal people on what it means to be hooked (dependent) on drugs.

Water filters for your home - 11.39099

Many types of water filters are available for purchase or hire. They range from the simple bench top style to sophisticated systems requiring special plumbing and electrical work.