
Protecting people in low vaccinated regions against COVID-19

3 March 2022

WA Health is supporting a new vaccination drive into the regions, which aims to increase vaccination rates among Aboriginal people.

Aboriginal woman with a bandaid on her upper arm

The ‘Keeping Culture Safe and Strong – Get the needle now campaign will deploy teams of metropolitan vaccinators and support staff into the Kimberley, Pilbara, Midwest and Goldfields regions over the next 6 weeks.

These additional staff will enable existing WA Country Heath Service (WACHS) teams to concentrate efforts in the areas they know best.

WA Health teams will travel to communities and encourage locals to visit state vaccination clinics, as well as offering vaccinations at home. Aboriginal Medical Services will continue to play an important role engaging and vaccinating local people.

Outbreaks of the Omicron variant across Western Australia have highlighted the importance of the booster dose, as well as primary course of COVID-19 vaccines.

Read about the COVID-19 vaccine.