Where to find needle and syringe programs in WA
Needle and syringe programs (NSPs) can be found across metropolitan and regional Western Australia.
All NSPs must supply a safe disposal container with any needles and syringes they provide. They also offer health education and can refer people to drug treatment services.
Peer Based Harm Reduction WA
Peer Based Harm Reduction WA – Peer Based Harm Reduction WA (formerly WA Substance Users’ Association (WASUA)) is a peer-based organisation which primarily provides fixed-site needle and syringe exchange programs (NSEP) for people who inject drugs, in Perth and Bunbury as well as a mobile service in the south west.
These NSEPs also provide facilities for the safe disposal of used injecting equipment. Provision of needles, syringes, barrels and tips is free on exchange or at a low cost without equipment to exchange.
Other services include:
- a health clinic for blood-borne virus (HIV, hepatitis B and hepatitis C) and sexually transmissible infections testing
- hepatitis A and B vaccinations
- outreach services
- peer education on safer drug use and hepatitis C
- referral to health and drug treatment services for people who inject drugs
- training and education for health professionals and community groups.
Visit the Peer Based Harm Reduction WA website (external site) for more information on its services.
Fixed site needle and syringe exchange
- Location: Suite 22, 7 Aberdeen Street, Perth 6000
- Phone: (08) 9325 8387
- Days/times:
- 10.00am to 5.00pm – Monday to Friday
- 1.00pm to 4.00pm – Saturday and Sunday
- Closed Public Holidays
- Location: 97 Spencer Street, (entry via Rose Street), Bunbury
- Phone: (08) 9791 6699
- Days/times:
- Monday to Friday, 10.00am – 3.00pm
Health clinic
- Location: Suite 22, 7 Aberdeen Street, Perth 6000
- Phone: (08) 9325 8387
Days/times: Monday, Tuesday 10.00am – 4.00pm; Thursday 1.00pm – 4.00pm
Perth Clinic Outreach: Every second Wednesday
- Location: 97 Spencer Street, Bunbury, WA 6230
- Phone: (08) 9791 6699
- Days/times:
- Tuesday and Thursday 10:00am – 2:00pm
- Saturday 10:00am – 12:30pm with a Registered Nurse
Mobile clinic
Manjimup and Margaret River/Busselton with a Nurse Practitioner every four weeks. (Please call (08) 9791 6699 for the next available date.)
Blood tests are available for blood borne viruses on request in all areas of the Southwest from Monday to Friday, 10.00am – 3.00pm from our phlebotomist.
Mobile needle and syringe exchange – south west WA
Phone: 0418 739 372
Table 1: South West mobile needle and syringe exchange locations
Day |
Time |
Suburb |
Location |
Monday |
12.00pm – 1.00pm |
Manjimup |
Warren District Hospital car park |
Tuesday |
3.00pm – 4.00pm |
Margaret River |
Margaret River Hospital car park |
Tuesday |
5.00pm – 7.00pm |
Busselton |
Busselton Hospital car park |
WAAC (formerly the WA AIDS Council)
The WAAC provides a needle and syringe exchange program (NSEP) that distributes equipment and information on safer sexual and injecting practices at:
- mobile sites in the metropolitan and outer metropolitan area
- fixed sites in Fremantle and West Perth.
These NSEPs also provide facilities for the safe disposal of used injecting equipment. Provision of needles, syringes, barrels and tips is free on exchange or at a low cost without equipment to exchange.
WAAC also provides a number of services to enhance the quality of life of people living with and/or affected by HIV/AIDS, including:
- education
- counselling
- advocacy
- support
- care services.
For more information on its services visit the WAAC website (external site).
Fixed site needle and syringe exchange
West Perth
- 664 Murray Street, West Perth
- Phone: (08) 9482 0000
- Hours: Monday to Friday, 9.00am to 4.30pm
- Fremantle Hospital, Block A, 65 South Terrace, Fremantle
- Phone:9431 3318
- Hours: Monday, Wednesday and Friday 12.00pm to 3.00pm
Mobile needle and syringe exchange – metropolitan Perth
When temperatures reach 37 °C and above these sites may not operate. Please ring 0417 093 537 to check services.
Table 4: WAAC Mobile needle and syringe exchange – Monday locations
Time |
Suburb |
Location |
1.00pm – 3.00pm |
Rockingham |
Rockingham Hospital, dental car park, Elanora Drive |
Table 5: WAAC mobile needle and syringe exchange – Tuesday locations
Time |
Suburb |
Location |
12.00am – 2.30pm |
Mirrabooka |
Herb Graham Recreation Centre, Chesterfield Road |
3.30pm – 6.00pm |
Joondalup |
Boas Avenue council offices car park |
Table 6: WAAC mobile needle and syringe exchange – Thursday locations
Time |
Suburb |
Location |
1.00pm – 3.00pm |
Belmont |
Forster Park, off Abernethy Road |
4.00pm – 6.00pm |
Midland |
St Brigids Place cul-de-sac, enter via Great Northern Hwy |
Table 7: WAAC mobile needle and syringe exchange – Friday locations
Time |
Suburb |
Location |
1.00pm – 3.00pm |
Armadale |
Gwynne Park, cnr 7th Ave and Forrest Rd, recreation centre car park |
4.00pm – 6.00pm |
Gosnells |
Lissiman Street, near markets, in car park near railway |
Please note there are no services on public holidays.
HepatitisWA has a needle and syringe program (NSP) providing free injecting equipment to clients. This service is based in Northbridge, Perth and is available Monday to Friday, 9.00am to 4.30pm.
- Location: 134 Aberdeen Street, Northbridge
- Phone: 9227 9800, Helpline - 9328 8538 (or 1800 800 070 from country areas)
- Hours: Monday to Friday, 9.00am – 4.30pm
HepatitisWA also provides:
- information and support for people at risk of, or affected by or living with viral hepatitis
- helpline telephone service and web chat service
- health promotion and community education initiatives to raise awareness of viral hepatitis and its impact
- advocacy for people experiencing stigma and discrimination related to their viral hepatitis status
- clinical services for people living with chronic viral hepatitis, or who may be at risk
- educational and clinical resources for professionals and the community
- workforce development, training and education tailored to workplace needs.
Visit HepatitisWA (external site) for more information on its services.
Goldfields Population Health
Goldfields Population Health is based in Kalgoorlie and offers a range of injecting equipment (variety of barrels, tips, butterflies, filters, etc) as well as a disposal service for used equipment.
Fixed site needle and syringe exchange – Goldfields WA
- Rear of Population Health Building, 36-42 Ware Street, South Kalgoorlie (entrance via Hopetoun Street)
- Phone: (08) 9080 8200
- Hours:
- Monday, Thursday and Friday, 9.00am – 4.30pm
Great Southern Public Health Unit
Great Southern Population Health Unit Albany
The Great Southern Population Health Unit is based in Albany and offers a range of injecting equipment (variety of barrels, tips, butterflies, filters, etc) as well as a disposal service for used equipment.
- 61 Serpentine Road, Albany WA 6330
- 9842 7507
- Hours:
- Monday to Friday 8:30am to 4:30pm
Katanning Health Campus NSEP
The Katanning Health Campus NSEP is based in Katanning and offers a range of injecting equipment (variety of barrels, tips, butterflies, filters, etc) as well as a disposal service for used equipment.
- Katanning Health Service, Francis St, Katanning, WA 6317
- (08) 9821 6846
- Hours:
- Monday to Thursday 12:00pm to 3:00pm
Hedland Health Campus NSEP
The fixed site needle and syringe exchange is based in South Hedland and offers a range of injecting equipment (variety of barrels, tips, butterflies, filters, etc) as well as a disposal service for used equipment.
Address: 13 Collier Drive, South Hedland, WA 6722
Phone: (08) 9174 1507
Hours: Wednesday to Friday 9am to 4pm
Kimberley Community Mental Health and Drug Service NSEP
The fixed site needle and syringe exchange is based in Broome and offers a range of injecting equipment (variety of barrels, tips, butterflies, filters, etc) as well as a disposal service for used equipment.
- Corner Anne and Robinson Streets, Broome, WA 6725
- (08) 9194 2328
- Hours: Monday to Friday 9.00am to 4.00pm
Midwest Community Alcohol and Drug Service
The Midwest Community Alcohol and Drug Service (MCADS) is based in Geraldton and offers a range of injecting equipment (variety of barrels, tips, butterflies, filters, etc.) as well as a disposal service for used equipment.
Fixed site needle and syringe exchange – Midwest WA
- Community Health Building, 51-85 Shenton Street, Geraldton
- Phone: 9956 2424
- Hours:
- Monday to Friday, 9.00am – 4.30pm
Palmerston Mandurah is based at the South Metropolitan Community Drug Service and offers a range of equipment on a one-for-one exchange basis or for a minimal cost.
Fixed site needle and syringe exchange
- 91 Alnutt Street, Mandurah WA 6210
- Phone: 9581 4010
- Hours:
- Monday to Friday, 9.00am – 3.00pm
Visit Palmerston website (external site) for more information its services.
Many pharmacies throughout Western Australia sell needles and syringes in packs. Pharmacies do not accept or exchange used equipment.
Many pharmacies are open for extended trading hours. You may want to check your local pharmacy opening hours and if they sell needles and syringes.
Beaufort St Pharmacy (Beaufort Chemist)
- 647 Beaufort Street, Mt Lawley
- Phone: 9328 7775
- Open 7am – 2am
Cockburn Super Clinic Pharmacy
Offers free injecting equipment to clients through a needle and syringe program (NSP). This service is based in Cockburn, Success.
- 11 Wentworth Parade, Success WA 6164 (Ground Floor, Unit 2)
- Phone: 08 9414 3851
- Email: info@csclinicpharmacy.com.au
- Open hours:
- Monday – Friday 8am – 8pm
- Saturday 9am – 5pm
- Sundays and public holidays closed
Visit the website (external site) for more information on services.
Regional hospitals and health services
All regional hospitals and health services with an accident and emergency department are required by a WA Country Health Service facilities Policy (external site) to distribute injecting equipment through their accident and emergency department – outside of the hours the local pharmacy is open at a minimum
Needle and syringe dispensing machines
Needle and syringe dispensing machines (NSDMs) operate at some hospital sites in WA, and provide access to free sterile needles and syringes.
NSDMs are located at Busselton, Carnarvon, Esperance, Geraldton, Kalgoorlie, Katanning and Northam hospitals.
Maps of NSPs across WA and by region
Where to get help
If you need more information about where to access NSPs, contact the Sexual Health and Blood-borne Virus Program on 9222 2355 or send an email.
Last reviewed: 30-11-2023
Public Health
This publication is provided for education and information purposes only. It is not a substitute for professional medical care. Information about a therapy, service, product or treatment does not imply endorsement and is not intended to replace advice from your healthcare professional. Readers should note that over time currency and completeness of the information may change. All users should seek advice from a qualified healthcare professional for a diagnosis and answers to their medical questions.