Healthy living

Where to find needle and syringe programs in WA

Needle and syringe programs (NSPs) can be found across metropolitan and regional Western Australia.

All NSPs must supply a safe disposal container with any needles and syringes they provide. They also offer health education and can refer people to drug treatment services.

Peer Based Harm Reduction WA
WAAC (formerly the WA AIDS Council)
Goldfields Population Health
Great Southern Public Health Unit
Hedland Health Campus NSEP
Kimberley Community Mental Health and Drug Service NSEP
Midwest Community Alcohol and Drug Service
Palmerston Mandurah
Regional hospitals and health services
Needle and syringe dispensing machines
Maps of NSPs across WA and by region

Where to get help

If you need more information about where to access NSPs, contact the Sexual Health and Blood-borne Virus Program on 9222 2355 or send an email.

Last reviewed: 30-11-2023

Public Health

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