Safer Baby Bundle
In Australia, 6 babies are born still every day. The Safer Baby initiative aims to help women understand the things
they can do to reduce their risk of stillbirth.
This initiative is being led by the NHMRC Centre of Research Excellence in Stillbirth (Stillbirth
CRE) in partnership with health departments
across Australia.
The Safer Baby Bundle is a 5-element bundle of care designed to reduce known risk factors for stillbirth. Steps you
can take to have a healthier pregnancy can be seen on the Safer Baby Bundle website.
The five elements include:
PathWest’s perinatal
pathology services (external site) supports families all over WA affected by the death of a child shortly after or
before birth by giving them an opportunity to understand the reasons for their loss.
Offering a state-wide service that
- Non-coronial post mortem examinations
of your baby
- Viewings with parents and their families to spend
time with their baby
- Cremations for stillborn babies of less than 28 weeks
- Mementos in the form of photographs and hand &
foot prints (if possible).
Comfort, support and more information
Aside from your family, friends and the health professionals involved in caring for you and your baby, there are
agencies that can offer you support. Further information can be found on the PathWest website.