After a heatwave

Coping with hot weather can be very stressful and tiring. It can take a couple of days for you to completely recover.

To help you stay healthy after hot weather or extreme heat:

  • Continue to drink plenty of water so your body can get back in balance.
  • Open windows and doors during cooler parts of the day to ventilate and cool your home if it is safe to do so.
  • Get plenty of rest.
  • If you feel unwell, make a time to see your healthcare practitioner.
  • Contact family and friends to see how they coped and to check if they need help.
  • Think about the things you could do differently so you are more prepared to cope next time it is very hot.
  • Make any changes needed to your home so it will be more comfortable next time there is hot weather or extreme heat.

A suite of community resources and translated information is available and can be downloaded as fact sheets.

Last reviewed: 12-12-2024

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