WA Child Research Fund

The WA Child Research Fund (WACRF) program was jointly established by the Department of Health and the Channel 7 Telethon Trust in 2012 to fund health and medical research that focuses on the health of children and adolescents in WA.

The key aims of the WACRF are to:

  • Fund research of direct significance to the health of WA children and adolescents.
  • Promote the translation of research findings into evidence-based health policy and practice which will ultimately provide better health outcomes.
  • Contribute to integrating research capability across universities, research institutes and health services by encouraging the development of research-policy-practice clusters.

Funded research activities may be wide-ranging but must address areas of direct significance to child and adolescent health. Research may include basic, clinical, health service, or population health.

Projects may be awarded up to $600,000 and must be conducted over a maximum of 36 months. Project selection will be based on competitive merit.

Program status: open for applications

Application form due: 1.00pm (AWST), Friday 5 July 2024

WA Child and Research Fund

Guidelines and conditions – 2023/24

WA Child and Research Fund

Application form – 2023/24


More information

Any queries related to the program can be directed to the Office of Medical Research and Innovation

Last reviewed: 20-05-2024
Produced by

Office of Medical Research and Innovation