Residential Care Line

Residential Care Line Outreach Service provides 3 core functions:

1. Clinical Consultancy for staff in Residential Aged Care Facilities (RACF).
2. Care Coordination to assist:
a. RACF staff with timely access to care and services, and
b.Hospital staff with timely, safe and effective discharge for patients returning to RACF.
3. Education for:
a. RACF staff, aimed at improving clinical knowledge and up-skilling, and
b. Hospital staff, aimed at increasing awareness of the RCL Outreach Service.

The service operates 8am – 6pm 7 days a week and offers services to over 298 RACF’s


There is no charge for this service.

Where is it available?

Residential Care Line services are available in the Perth metropolitan area.

More information

For general program information please contact the Residential Care Line Outreach Service phone line: 6457 3146.

Produced by

Subacute, Community and Aged Care Directorate