Patient Blood management guidelines and standards

The National Blood Authority (NBA) has funded and managed the development of evidence-based patient blood management guidelines; these include:

The NBA developed a National Patient Blood Management Implementation Strategy in 2017 (external site). The document is aimed at supporting PBM as a standard of care applied by all clinicians for patients facing a medical or surgical intervention who are at risk of blood loss, bleeding, coagulopathy or may require a blood products as part of their treatment, recognising that there may be more appropriate ways of using or administering blood or blood products to manage disorders. 

Australian blood standards and accreditation

NSQHS Standards (Blood Management)

The National Safety and Quality Health Service (NSQHS) Standards (external site) were developed by the Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care and the Australian Government.  The second edition of the standards was released in November 2017. The Blood Management Standard (Standard 7) aims to improve outcomes for patients by identifying risks and using strategies that optimise and conserve a patient’s own blood, as well as ensuring that any blood and blood products that patients receive are safe and appropriate. 

Further information

Members of the Blood Unit are available from Monday to Friday during the hours of 8.30 am to 4.30 pm.

Blood Unit
Office of the Chief Medical Officer
Level 3, GPO Building
3 Forrest Place
Perth WA 6000

Last reviewed: 27-09-2023
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WA Blood Management