Annual performance reporting for local government enforcement agencies

The Department of Health requires local government enforcement agencies to submit an annual report on their performance under the:

  • Food Act 2008 (section 121) 
  • Public Health Act 2016 (section 22).

Reports are mandatory and must be submitted each financial year between 1 July to 31 August.

These reports assist the CEO of the Department of Health and the Chief Health Officer to anticipate:

  • issues associated with the administration of public health legislation
  • gauge the level of consistency in which public health legislation is being administered across WA and
  • identify knowledge gaps and areas for future policy development.

The Department of Health will release at the completion of each financial year an online reporting template (published on this page) which includes details on what a local government will be required to report on.

2023–2024 financial year reporting

The Department of Health is currently receiving reports from local government enforcement agencies for the 2023-24 financial year.

Correspondence and the reporting questions have been circulated to local government Chief Executive Officers.

To meet your reporting requirements local government are requested to complete the online reporting form from 1 July 2024.

The form should be completed by 31 August 2024

An additional reporting component is open to local governments to report on a suite of functions and responsibilities under the Public Health Act 2016. This reporting component is available to be completed online

The Department of Health encourages participation in this optional reporting component as the data is most effective when the majority of local governments respond to the survey questions. Previous reports on this component can be found on the Department of Health website.

This component will become mandatory when Stage 5 of the Public Health Act 2016 is implemented.

The Department of Health will prepare and release the 2023-24 Food Act 2008 and Public Health Act 2016 reporting questions in early 2024.

The Department of Health follows up with local governments who do not complete their reports on time.

Upon completion of the reporting submission period a report is published for each Act summarising key findings on performance of functions and any legislative issues identified across WA.

Local government can provide feedback on the reporting process at any stage. Feedback can be submitted to


The following guideline is provided to support local government officers responsible for completing annual performance reports required under the Food Act 2008 and Public Health Act 2016.


Public health indicator reports

Previous reports summarising findings of optional reporting under the Health (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1911.

Financial year Report
 2019-2020 Regional reports for environmental health indicators and local government optional reporting:
 2018-2019  2018-2019 Financial Year Optional Reporting Summary Report (PDF 387KB) 
 2017-2018  2017-2018 Financial Year Optional Reporting Summary Report (PDF 556KB)
Last reviewed: 26-05-2023