Independent Review of the Human Reproductive Technology Act 1991 and the Surrogacy Act 2008

An independent review of the Western Australian Human Reproductive Technology Act 1991 (HRT Act) and the Surrogacy Act 2008 was completed by Associate Professor Sonia Allan in 2019.

The Review involved extensive stakeholder consultation through four public forums, seven parliamentary briefings, numerous individual face-to-face briefings and the acceptance of 126 written submissions.

A two-part report was published following the review. Part one of the Review focused on the HRT Act and part two on the Surrogacy Act. A/Professor Sonia Allan made 122 recommendations in the report.

In August 2021 the WA Government provided a response to the Allan Review. This was tabled in parliament with government committed to introducing new legislation for Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART) and surrogacy.

A project to develop new ART and surrogacy legislation for Western Australians is being led by the WA Department of Health. View updates on the project.

Current legislation

Last reviewed: 20-04-2022